  • Contact Us
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Aqaba Office

If you have any questions, please e-mail us without hesitation. We will reply to you as quickly as we can.

  • Jordan, Aqaba, Fifth area, Al-Farabi St., Building #6
  • P.O. Box: 2353. Aqaba, 77110.
  • +962 3 20 22 995
  • Aqaba@jreds.org
  • +962 3 20 32 995

Amman Office

If you have any questions, please e-mail us without hesitation. We will reply to you as quickly as we can.

 Jordan - Amman - Um Summaq, Hamed Jaber Street ,Building # 15

  • P.O. Box: 831051. Amman, 11183.
  • +962 6 5539453
  • information@jreds.org
  • +962 6 5539453