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Knowledge Center and Shell Museum

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Knowledge Center and Shell Museum

Project Title:

Environmental Knowledge Center and the Shell Museum

Project Duration:


Project Objectives:

Two centers were established at the Marine Park in the southern part of Aqaba to raise awareness and understanding of the marine environment, threats to ecosystems, biodiversity and habitats and to demonstrate solutions through interactive tools that allow visitors of all ages to be engaged in understanding the bio living component of the Gulf of Aqaba. The shells, which were collected from all over the world, were donated from the personal collection of Princess Wejdan Fawaz Hashimi.

The centers were established in corporation with Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS). In 2008, the Saraya Project supported the redesign process of the shell museum, and in 2015, GIZ through the PROTEB project provided the knowledge center with new furniture and tools. In 2016, the Ministry of Social Development supported the JREDS centers with a fund to improve educational and awareness materials.

Partner Organizations:

  • Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (HBS)
  • Saraya Project
  • German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through GIZ project: Protection of the Environment and Biodiversity in Jordan (PROTEB)
  • Ministry of Social Development