  • Achievements
    Breaking Barriers, Building a Sustainable Marine Future
Mediterranean Forum For Applied Ecosystem-Based Management  (MED4EBM)

Mediterranean Forum For Applied Ecosystem-Based Management  (MED4EBM)

  • 10/5/2020 10:45:00 AM
  • View Count 3368
Project Title:Mediterranean Forum For Applied Ecosystem-Based Management  (MED4EBM)Project Duration:2019 - 2022Project Objectives: The actual mainstreaming of Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) in Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) is still limited mainly because the practical application of EBM is a challenging task for ICZM actors. The MED4EBM project will tackle this issue by assisting ICZM actors in four coastal areas of Jordan, Italy, Lebanon and Tunisia to jointly develop and app...
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Enhancing the Legislative Framework of the Fisheries Sector in Aqaba

Enhancing the Legislative Framework of the Fisheries Sector in Aqaba

  • 10/4/2020 12:46:00 PM
  • View Count 1426
Project Title:Enhancing the Legislative Framework of the Fisheries Sector in AqabaProject Duration:2019 - 2020Project Objectives: To contribute to improving the enforcement of environmental laws for the protection of marine wildlife by responsible governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations in Jordan & neighboring and other MENA countriesPartner Organizations:Hanns Seidel FoundationExpected Outputs: The fisheries regulation at Aqaba is updated and legally reviewed Sport-fishing ...
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Confronting Plastic Pollution Problem in Aqaba and & Status of Env. Journalism – Phase I

Confronting Plastic Pollution Problem in Aqaba and & Status of Env. Journalism – Phase I

  • 10/4/2020 12:05:00 PM
  • View Count 3379
Project Title: Confronting the Plastic Pollution Problem in Aqaba and Advancing the Status of Environmental Journalism – Phase IProject duration: 1/1/2020-31/10/2020Funding: This project is with the support of Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung ( HBS)Project Goal: HBS related actors promote debates and initiatives based on environmental rights as human rights, with gender as a cross-cutting issue, both in the oPt and Jordan.Project Aim: In Phase 1 of the project, will depend on three major pillar...
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Cultural Routes for Sustainable Soci-Eco Development in Med. (CROSSDEV)

Cultural Routes for Sustainable Soci-Eco Development in Med. (CROSSDEV)

  • 10/9/2019 2:11:00 PM
  • View Count 2907
Project Title:Cultural Routes for Sustainable Social and Economic Development in the Mediterranean (CROSSDEV)Project Duration:2019 - 2022Project Objectives: the main objectives of the project are contributing to the economic and social development in the Mediterranean; strengthening and enhancing sustainable tourism practices; emphasizing common heritages and resources; and increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of tourism for lesser-known destinations. The project is implemented thro...
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Education and Awareness for a Green Path and Sustainable Development in Jordan

Education and Awareness for a Green Path and Sustainable Development in Jordan

  • 6/10/2019 2:57:00 PM
  • View Count 3230
Project Title:Education and Awareness for a Green Path and Sustainable Development in JordanProject Duration:November 2018- May 2020 Project Objectives: Contribute to Jordan’s target for 2020 through an effective and responsible program of awareness and knowledge and empower NGOs to advocate for green economy. This will be achieved through implementing the International Eco-Schools Program as an incentive for sustainable development to raise awareness and knowledge about energy effici...
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Sustainable Education through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Northern parts of Jordan

Sustainable Education through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Northern parts of Jordan

  • 6/10/2019 2:36:00 PM
  • View Count 3071
Project Title:Sustainable Education through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Northern parts of JordanProject Duration:May 2018- May 2019 Project Objectives: Encourage schools located in the northern parts of Jordan to adopt energy efficiency and renewable energy resource practices and technologies as a gate for international recognition.Partner Organizations:This project was funded by the Netherlands government and was implemented in partnership with the Princess Alia Foundatio...
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Care to Act to Reduce the Marine Littering Reaching the Gulf of Aqaba

Care to Act to Reduce the Marine Littering Reaching the Gulf of Aqaba

  • 6/10/2019 2:31:00 PM
  • View Count 3000
Project Title:Care to Act to Reduce the Marine Littering Reaching the Gulf of Aqaba ProjectProject Duration:1 January 2019 - 31 December 2019Partner Organizations:This project is through the United Nations Development Program (UNDP Jordan) in Jordan in partnership with New World Initiative funded by Coca-Cola and Global Water Challenge.Project Objectives: To benefit from the marine littering reduction strategies as a tool to develop knowledge, interest, imagination, creativity and action skills....
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Clean Up the World Campaign

Clean Up the World Campaign

  • 5/15/2019 11:56:00 PM
  • View Count 4350
Project Title:Clean Up the World CampaignProject Duration:Every year, began 27 years agoProject Objectives: The story of JREDS began with a cleanup campaign in 1993 when a group of responsible people headed by HRH Princess Basma bint Ali joined the international Clean Up the World campaign community. Since then, JREDS has been considered the focal national institution to run this campaign in Aqaba and has succeeded so far in implementing this campaign on an annual basis. The campaign is performe...
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Knowledge Center and Shell Museum

Knowledge Center and Shell Museum

  • 3/29/2018 12:01:00 AM
  • View Count 3539
Project Title:Environmental Knowledge Center and the Shell MuseumProject Duration:OngoingProject Objectives: Two centers were established at the Marine Park in the southern part of Aqaba to raise awareness and understanding of the marine environment, threats to ecosystems, biodiversity and habitats and to demonstrate solutions through interactive tools that allow visitors of all ages to be engaged in understanding the bio living component of the Gulf of Aqaba. The shells, which were collected fr...
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